
[ENG] Interview with Ronnie Parkes (Bonfire)

As Bonfire embarks on their “Higher Ground” tour, their latest album showcases a perfect blend of fresh energy and classic hard rock roots. In this interview, Ronnie Parkes shares insights into their songwriting process, the evolution of their sound and the stories behind some of the standout tracks. From intense anthems to haunting ballads, Higher Ground is a testament to their enduring creativity and passion for music.

  • Hello and welcome on Heavyworlds.com, it’s a pleasure to have you here. How are the
    things going so far?

Hi Pinka, nice to talk to you. We are on the road right on the second show of the Higher Ground Tour and it is going great so far.

  • Higher Ground” sounds fresh but still carries that classic Bonfire touch. How did you find the balance between your new sound and your iconic style?

It was very natural. Hans has always been the main writer in Bonfire. Frank and myself also have been writing with Hans on the last few albums. So the writing has kind of stayed the same. Fabio and Dyan had contributions in writing also. We don’t want to change things too much but we do need to grow. But things are really not that different than the last few albums. This one just came out really good. 

  • With “Higher Ground”, we hear a sense of maturity in the sound. How has your approach
    to making music evolved over the years?

The more you do something the more you learn. You gain experience and technique. Hans has been writing and recording for over 40 years. We have all been writing and recording for years. It is kind of a natural progression. 

  • “I Will Rise” is an anthem of resilience. How much of Hans Ziller’s personal experiences  influenced the writing of this track?

Usually when I write lyrics I use real life experiences or things that grab my attention, maybe something that someone said to me. Being in certain situations and Han’s Bi-polar are things we deal with all the time. So yes quite a few songs on this album are directly about Hans and his illness.  

  • The intro to “Nostradamus” is truly epic. Who came up with the idea for the rain sound and building up the tension in the track?

Hans is also the producer so in the end he is very responsible for the overall sound and arrangements. He is definitely responsible for that. 

  • What was the most challenging song to write or record on this album?

We were just discussing that today after playing a few of the songs live. They all are way more difficult than they sound. It all really flows nicely without ever loosing the beat and melodies. Probably the most difficult are “Lost all control” and “Jealousy” because of how fast they are. 

  • Speaking of “Rock’n’Roll Survivor”, what did it mean to revisit a classic and give it a modern twist for 2024?

That song was first released on “Fistful of Fire” in April 2020. So that album never really had a chance to do anything. Also Hans just released his book Rock and Roll survivor. So re worked that song a little bit to be a little more about Hans and his book. 

  • “When Love Comes Down” is such a heartfelt ballad. What makes this track different from
    other ballads you’ve written in the past?

Every song is different, there may be some similarities because as a writer you start to develop a style. But still each song  is really its own story.

  • In “Jealousy,” the vocal performance is intense. How did you prepare to make this track so powerful?

We tend to write the basic song structure first and then put lyrics. This track had power right out of the gate. So we made the lyrics about internet trolls. All the hated in their heart that some of these people have. It’s kind of sad really. The pleasure they get from spewing hate. It just seemed to fit with the music.

  • What inspires you when you’re writing a riff that needs to hit hard, like the ones in “I Will Rise” or “Lost All Control”?

Usually it just comes out. Sometimes it’s a heavy Riff sometimes it’s more mellow or melodic. Then it becomes the lyric and vocal melodies that add that extra level. 

  • “Come Hell or High Water” has a darker, almostSabbath-like atmosphere. How did this shift in tone come about in your music?

Hans has hard rock and metal in his blood. Also he is a great writer. So there is a wide variety and we like that. Why should every song sound exactly the same. They are all individual stories and each one is its own. 

  • Is there a track on the album that makes you think, “This is exactly the music I wanted to make”?

I would say the whole album is like that. We are really proud of this album. It is a combination of the band chemistry how long we have been working together. Hans Frank and I have been performing and recording together for 10 years now. So we are just growing. Dyan and Fabio both came in the band about 2 years ago. Now everything is firing on all cylinders. 

  • “I Died Tonight” has a chorus that sticks in your head. How do you manage to write such catchy melodies?

There is no trick to it really. The chorus melody possibility just comes from the chords structure. So it depends what we hear in our heads. 

  • Given that your career has lasted over 50 years, how do you see the rock scene today compared to when you first started?

The music industry has changed drastically since the 80’s. So has society in general. 50 years is a long time. Music from the 1920’s to 1970 is the same amount of time. So many things change in that amount of years. The one thing I guess I can say is that the internet and downloading has changed the music industry as a whole and it is much more difficult to make a living. So please support live music and artists. If people don’t, it may not exist in the future. There will only be computer music.

  • Band chemistry is always key. How do you maintain that creativde synergy after so many years together?

Yes it is about the chemistry and the personalities. When it works and people like each other and can get along it works great. When it doesn’t it can be a disaster. You just need the right people.

  • What are the future plans for Bonfire after the release of this album?

We are touring starting Jan and will take the album on the road. We are really excited. Things are going great so far and the response to the album has been very good. We can’t wait to see where this takes us. 

  • That was the last question. Thank you for your time. Is there anything you would like to say to European fans or Heavyworlds readers?

Thank you everyone for your support we look forward to seeing everyone on the road.